


From the personal life of Ernst Schaap











                                                              In the front Ernst and behind his two brothers


Ernst Schaap at the end of  '50



Ernst in the middle and his brothers Willem and Erik



Akademie Minerva


With his friends of the art academy

Rob en Rienk



On holiday with Rob Bearda





his comical side

Together with his father on an construction at his parents home

Together with his mother  in 1993


By his corporal deficiencies caused by Parkinson his main holiday destination was Denmark.                                                 


                      Ernst Schaap with his nephews Thijmen Jasper



Selfie made at his home at Blasiusstreet in Amsterdam



Link to  Google maps to the location of his studio in the north of Amsterdam











 When someone has died you have to move his work. Now the main part of his art is in stock at Heerenveen in Holland.








First Ernst was buried in the garden of his mother. In  september 2017 I buried him together wither the remains of his parents at the churchyard of Burgum (see grave for three)


The plate of glass was made by Giorgio di

Montegnacco fromNijmegen according to one of the paintings of Ernst Schaap.


Photo Gallery: Persoonlijk

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