


Plastic art

Period 1996-1998














































































































































































































Overgangsvormen plastiek -schilder






































































Werk Akademie Minerva

Around this period Ernst Schaap cooperated with the sculptor Lopes. He needed assistence for severall projects in metal assistentie nodig bij een project met objecten in het Oosterpark in Amsterdam. Lopes werkte veel met metaal. This artist Lopes had a large exposition in Kassel in Germany.

Ernst thought metal a harsh material to work for his own sculptures. Therefore he used mainly wood and the derival MDF. For the connections he used kit and that mad his word too vulnerable for outsidevond het metaal erg n Maintainance is a problem for the kit is loosening after a centain period.


 Plastic art in his atelier in Amsterdam









       Geen titel






study for sculpture


 Forms of in between sculpture and painting










During his education in art in Groningen